IGCP 521

Past Plenary Meetings and Field Trips


 Conference Report is posted --- Please inquire about the abstract volume 

The Second Plenary Meeting and Field Trip in Ukraine (Odessa) was held on
August 20-28, 2006.

The conference address is:

Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
Odessa, Ukraine

Find here the links to download the Second Circular, Program, Conference Report (1.31MB), Abstract Volume SAMPLE (321KB), Field Guide SAMPLE (263KB).

Please send forms by e-mail (admin@avalon-institute.org) or fax: +1 (204) 489-5782

Field Trip

2006  Ukraine: Ancient Greek colonies and city-states: Tyras, Niconium, medieval fortress of Belgorod; Dnister estuary and Dnister interspersion, Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments. Ancient polices of Olbia Dnipro-Bug and Berezan` estuary accumulative wave terraces corresponding to the Kalamitian and Dzemetinain transgressional stages. Ancient settlement of Koshary (Odessos), Berezan island, accumulative wave terraces corresponding to the Kalamitian and Dzemetinain transgressional stages (0.5-0.1 m above present sea level, 3.9-4.5 ky BP).
