IGCP 521

Project arrangement and management


The work was arranged in three dimensions: geological, archaeological and mathematical modelling. The geological dimension included sediment-fingerprints of vertical sea level change and lateral change of coastline. These changes in the coastal zone result from external (e.g., climate change and active tectonics) and internal (mainly the coastal sedimentary budget) forces. The archaeological dimension included human fingerprints (e.g., artefacts, faunistic remains from cultural layers). Both dimensions were be addressed through integration of existed data, hypothesis testing and model building. Particular attention was be given to synthesis of the huge non-English literature published in local languages, stored in the archives and largely unknown on the west. The mathematical dimension included GIS-added mathematical modelling of human dynamics behind past/future sea level change in the “Corridor”. Within these three dimensions, the project developed new quantitative models of sea level change and coastline migration on human adaptation using correlation of geological, tectonic, palaeontological and geochemical indicators of sea level change and coastline migration in the interrelated Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara, the Eastern Mediterranean and connected straits that can be meaningfully compared with global sea level fluctuations.
